Together with our partner Lightronics we aim to reduce the CO2 footprint by making public lighting sustainable. In recent years, we have conducted various pilot projects in the built environment, particularly in North Brabant. New technologies have been put into practice and are being further developed for both the public and private sectors. These include municipalities, housing corporations, schools and companies.
The above would never have been possible without Project IKARES, Intelligent Low Carbon Energy Systems. This project is subsidised by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
Remoticom aims to make lighting more intelligent and to connect lighting with its users and environment through an interconnected network. Among other things, this will generate significant savings in the future. In this particular project Remoticom contributed with, among others, its controllers and sensors for the lighting fixtures. These solutions make it possible to dim the light of lampposts and to have them all in contact with each other through a secure network and controllable via a (remote) application.
Light also plays a role in the areas of safety, welfare and quality of life. In addition, scientific research has also shown that it has an effect on learning performance. But also think about the night filter on your phone and the effect that screens have on mood these days.
In short, innovation is everywhere in the lighting that we at Remoticom call Smart Lighting. We are sure that the IKARES Project is a great step towards a more connected, sustainable and efficient planet.
External links
• Brabants Dagblad