Een verlichtingspaal gesitueerd in het Valkenberg park.

CASE: Wireless DMX control in Valkenberg park

Valkenberg park is a busy park located in the centre of Breda. The park is located on the walking route from the city centre to Breda Central Station. The lighting should contribute to a safe environment. In addition, the park is also used for events, where the lights need to be able to be set to an appropriate scene wirelessly. 


The functional lighting should ensure that the walkway is well lit and gives a safe feeling to the passer-by. In addition, the lighting should not adversely affect the image of the surveillance cameras.

During events, it should be possible to set the lighting in the park to an appropriate colour (scene). Consider adjusting the colour, such as orange lighting on King's Day.


Willemstraat already had a Pharos controller, which is used to control the lighting in the street. In the Pharos controller, scenes can be programmed, which are sent out via DMX.

Remoticom also installed an RSS (Remote Scene Selector) at Willemstraat, which can use an API to select a scene on the Pharos controller. The DMX signal is then sent over the Vodafone cellular NB-IoT network to the Valkenberg park.

In the park, each luminaire is equipped with a ZSC155 to receive the signal and convert it to DALI. Inside the luminaire, our DALI-DMX converter ensures that the signal is converted to DMX. In addition, the status of the luminaire can be read out.


Products used to create this innovative solution:

DALI-DMX converter
  • The RSS allows a scene to be selected, and listens to the DMX signal.
  • The ZSC155 ensures that the signal from the RSS can be received and converted into DALI.
  • The DALI-DMX converter translates the DALI signal to DMX.


Once the luminaires are switched on, a connection to the cellular NB-IoT network is established. The luminaires will then receive the colour sent out by the Pharos controller, and apply it.

If the signal is not present for some reason, the solution will fall back into a fail safe mode so that functional light is always present.

Remotely, another scene can be selected via an API. It is also possible to read out the status of the luminaires.


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